Registration Details



Inactive (View Latest Version)


2022-12-14 - 2023-01-10

Who is the In-house Organization?

Cenovus Energy Inc.
225 6 Ave SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 1N2

Alex Pourbaix
225 6 Ave SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 1N2

Cenovus Energy Inc. is an integrated energy company with oil and natural gas production operations in Canada and the Asia Pacific region, and upgrading, refining and marketing operations in Canada and the United States. The company is focused on managing its assets in a safe, innovative and cost-efficient manner, integrating environmental, social and governance considerations into its business plans. Cenovus common shares and warrants are listed on the Toronto and New York stock exchanges, and the company’s preferred shares are listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

  • $44,757,845.96 - Alberta Energy
  • $28,461,804.62 - Saskatchewan Agriculture, Natural Resources & Industry
  • $98,307.12 - Alberta Labour & Immigration
  • None
  • None
  • Husky Oil Limited Partnership
    225 6 Ave SW
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 1N2
  • Sunrise Oil Sands Partnership (Subsidiary of Husky Oil Operations Limited)
    225 6 Ave SW
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 1N2
  • Cenovus Energy Marketing Services Ltd.
    225 6 Ave SW
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 1N2
  • FCCL Partnership
    225 6 Ave SW
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 1N2
  • WRB Refining LP
    271-1 Centerville Rd
    Suite 400
    Wilmington, Delaware, United States, 19808-4707
  • Husky Energy International Corporation
    225 6 Ave SW
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 1N2
  • Lima Refining Company
    225 6 Ave SW
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 1N2
  • Husky Marketing and Supply Company
    225 6 Ave SW
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 1N2
  • Husky Canadian Petroleum Marketing Partnership
    225 6 Ave SW
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 1N2
  • Husky Energy Marketing Partnership
    225 6 Ave SW
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 1N2
  • BP-Husky Refining LLC
    225 6 Ave SW
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2P 1N2
  • None
  • None
Who are the In-house Lobbyists?
What is being lobbied?
Description Subject Matters Categories
Thermal Exploration Lease Extensions - Discussions related to potential lease extension for thermal exploration projects in Saskatchewan. Energy Contract
Regulatory efficiency. Discussions regarding regulatory process efficiency, including Saskatchewan’s Growth Plan, municipal tax policy, SaskPower rates & self-generation, application process timing for the large emitter program, the SaskEnergy Act, crown lease rental rates, observation well drilling programs, reclamation certificates, the length of time it takes for proposed action to make its way through the regulatory process and certainty of regulatory timelines for market participants. Company's stance is that additional resources should be provided to the regulator to deal with this workload to allow for efficient resource planning and procurement. Energy, Environment, Finance & Budget, Municipal Affairs Program or Policy, Regulation
Pipeline Abandonment Program – Discussions with Saskatchewan Ministry of Energy and Resources to consider an extension of Cathkin licenses that are set to expire on December 4, 2020. Energy Program or Policy
Output-Based Performance Standards – Discussion of reporting obligations and preferences under Saskatchewan’s Output-Based Performance Standards, including regarding produced gas CO2. Energy, Environment Directive, Guideline or Decision, Regulation
Engage with the government on the design of the Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gasses Regulations (the “large emitter program”) under the Saskatchewan Climate Change Plan. Goal is a regulation that drives emissions reductions while preserving Saskatchewan’s competitiveness in attracting investment, specifically for energy intensive, trade exposed facilities like those covered by large emitter program, and for small emitters that wish to opt into the large emitter program. Environment Program or Policy
Discussion of proposal related to sub-surface financial assurance coverage for its Upgrader related to new Saskatchewan government requirements for owners of large industrial facilities to post financial assurances for certain environmental and decommissioning costs. Energy, Environment Program or Policy
COVID-19 – Engaging with government regarding the government’s COVID-19 virus response and the potential impact on business operations. Energy, Environment Program or Policy
Discussion with the Saskatchewan government on evolving regulation related to well abandonment. Energy Legislative Proposal, Bill or Resolution
Well Abandonment Directive. Participation in meetings as part of the Industry/Government working group for the draft proposed Saskatchewan Well Abandonment Directive to provide input and suggestions on the content of the directive. Energy Directive, Guideline or Decision
Aggregated Facility Legislation - Discussion regarding regulatory efficiency opportunities, including recommendations for an “Aggregated Facility” model in Saskatchewan and policy coverage, leveraging the Petrinex pipeline project, cost implications of levies, capping costs associated with verifications and site visits and simplifying the administrative burden for both the government and industry (e.g. prescribed emission factors), to align the western provinces. Economic Development Program or Policy
Inactive Wells Working Group. Participation in an inactive wells working group and discussions pertaining to potential implementation of an Area Based Closure (ABC) or similar program in Saskatchewan. Energy, Environment Program or Policy
Environmental Assessment Requirements – Discussions regarding modification of environmental assessment requirements to align Saskatchewan’s legislation with Alberta’s legislation in order to increase efficiency and reduce duplicative costs. Energy, Environment Program or Policy, Regulation
Spruce Lake Penalties – Engaging with government regarding the monthly payments and cancellation penalties for deferred and cancelled Spruce Lake thermal projects Energy, Environment Program or Policy
Seeking regulatory efficiencies for thermal sustaining pad drilling projects Energy Program or Policy, Regulation
Discussions with Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan (TSASK) regarding: the use of composite systems in SK on registered pressure piping as an alteration; TSASK endorsing the updated Alberta Safety Authority (ABSA) AB-521 document to allow owner users to include the installation of Engineered Pressure Enclosures (EPE) in their Owner User Program; and working on a draft policy regarding Boiler and Pressure Regulation 48(3)(b) that states a chief engineer may operate more than one facility if approved by the chief inspector. Energy Program or Policy, Regulation
Seeking financial security and site closure regulations (FSSCR) that balance liability risks and cost competitiveness. Energy, Environment Program or Policy, Regulation
Rural Municipality Taxes - Discussion of rural municipality tax impact on operational costs in various Saskatchewan rural municipalities and the need for competitive taxation. Energy, Environment, Finance & Budget, Municipal Affairs Grant or Financial Benefit, Program or Policy
Discussions with regulator about how to improve and align combustion technical standards across provincial and federal jurisdictions. Energy Program or Policy
Discussion with government regarding an effective structure of the SK Tech Fund Energy, Environment, Finance & Budget Program or Policy
Discussions regarding the competitiveness of the Saskatchewan business environment Energy, Environment Program or Policy, Regulation
Discussion on proposed changes to the Pipeline Code in relation to additional field work, notifications and requirements Energy Program or Policy
Discussions with government on potential policy levers that could help enable further deployment of emissions reducing technologies, including CCUS and related pore space tenure. Energy, Environment Program or Policy
Discussion with government in regards to flexibility of commercial contracts with road builders Energy, Government Procurement Program or Policy
Discussion with government regarding effective and efficient design and implementation of Directive PNG017: Measurement Requirements for Oil and Gas Operations Energy, Environment Directive, Guideline or Decision
Discussion with government regarding effective and efficient design and implementation of SK OBPS (Output-Based Performance Standards) Program Energy, Environment Program or Policy
Discussions with government on various policy levers to help accelerate the adoption of emissions reduction technologies and other ways to address the climate challenge including but not limited to: tech fund design; royalties, carbon offsets program that considers CO2-EOR, methane, and nature based solutions. Effective and efficient implementation of Management and Reduction of Greenhouse Gasses Regulations. Economic Development, Energy, Environment, Finance & Budget, Research & Development Program or Policy, Regulation
Discussion with Government (TSASK) regarding steam chief role within the thermal business and human resource approach. Energy Program or Policy, Regulation
Who is being lobbied?
  • Legislative Assembly
  • Finance
  • Crown Investments Corporation
  • Innovation
  • SaskEnergy Incorporated
  • Saskatchewan Power Corporation
  • First Nations, Metis and Northern Affairs
  • Agriculture
  • Trade and Export Development
  • Executive Council
  • Environment
  • Energy and Resources
  • Government Relations
  • Health
  • Highways
  • Saskatchewan Water Security Agency
  • Don McMorris - Government Relations
  • Don McMorris - First Nations, Metis and Northern Affairs
  • Don Morgan - Crown Investments Corporation
  • Don Morgan - Saskatchewan Power Corporation
  • Don Morgan - SaskEnergy Incorporated
  • Jim Reiter - Energy and Resources
  • Jeremy Cockrill - Highways
  • Jeremy Cockrill - Saskatchewan Water Security Agency
  • Dana Skoropad - Environment
  • Donna Harpauer - Finance
  • Scott Moe - Executive Council
  • Jeremy Harrison - Trade and Export Development
  • Fred Bradshaw
  • Aaron Wirth - Executive Director, Climate Resilience Branch - Energy and Resources
  • Kyle McDonald - Director - Environment
  • Adam Gorr - Team Lead - Environment
  • Howard Loseth - Director, Energy Development and Climate Change - Energy and Resources
  • Debby Westerman - Executive Director - Resource Management - Energy and Resources
  • Jeremy Karwandy - Executive Director - Finance
  • Tyler Lynch - ADM, Economic Development - Trade and Export Development
  • Sharla Hordenchuk - ADM, Energy Regulation - Energy and Resources
  • Jared Ward - Director - Energy and Resources
  • Bob Wiens - Senior Program Analyst - Agriculture
  • Jeremy Brick - Director of External Relations - Executive Council
  • Ken Kowal - Director, Field Operations - Energy and Resources
  • Kyle Worth - Director, Emissions Management & Compliance - Environment
  • Lindsay Jackiw - Manager - Environment
  • Bruce Wilhelm - Acting Executive Director - Energy and Resources
  • Larry Webber - Manager, Recovery Projects - Energy and Resources
  • Brett Paquin - Director - Crown Investments Corporation
  • Shannon Andrews - Chief of Staff to Premier - Executive Council
  • Brad Wagner - Director, Liability Management - Energy and Resources
  • Ashley Anderson - Chief of Staff to Minister of Finance - Finance
  • Darren Letkeman - Environmental Protection Officer - Environment
  • Tracy Charabin - Director, Lands - Environment
  • Kory Hayko - VP - Transmission & Industrial Services - Saskatchewan Power Corporation
  • Scott Weaver - Director, Regulatory Affairs - Energy and Resources
  • Eric Warren - Executive Director, Strategic Initiatives - Energy and Resources
  • Cullen Stewart - ADM - Finance
  • Kevin Murphy - ADM - Environment
  • Susanna Laaksonen-Craig - Deputy Minister - Energy and Resources
  • Cory Hughes - ADM - Energy and Resources
  • Brendan Hysuik - Senior Engineer - Energy and Resources
  • Jared Dunitz - Team Lead - Environment
  • Kari Harvey - Chief Executive Officer - Innovation
  • Rick Musleh - Deputy Director - Trade and Export Development
  • Teigan Trew - Manager - Energy and Resources
  • Carter Howe - Engineer - Energy and Resources
  • Chad Lang - Manager - Energy and Resources
  • Kathryn Black - Executive Director - Energy and Resources
  • Jodi Banks - DM - Trade and Export Development
  • Muhammad Hashim - Engineer - Energy and Resources
  • Paul Wagner - Acting Director - Energy and Resources
  • Dean Reding - Senior Petroleum Engineer - Energy and Resources
  • Carter Zazula - Chief of Staff - Energy and Resources
  • Colten Goertz - Senior Policy Analyst - Environment
  • Vladimir Shevrov - Senior Engineer - Energy and Resources
  • Bryan Dilling - Director Planning - Trade and Export Development
  • Kevin France - ADM - Trade and Export Development
  • Richelle Bourgoin - ADM - Trade and Export Development
  • Scott Kistner - ADM - Energy and Resources
  • Alyssa Kimber - Manager - Environment
  • Graham Noble - Director - Energy and Resources
  • Jane McLeod - Director - Energy and Resources
  • Grassroots communications
  • Informal communications
  • Meetings
  • Phone Calls
  • Presentations
  • Written communication whether in hard copy or electronic format
Registration Versions
Registration Number Effective Version Status
3772-1525-69 2024-08-13 Active
3772-1525-68 2024-07-11 - 2024-08-12 Inactive
3772-1525-67 2024-05-15 - 2024-07-10 Inactive
3772-1525-66 2024-02-13 - 2024-05-14 Inactive
3772-1525-65 2024-01-10 - 2024-02-12 Inactive
3772-1525-64 2023-11-15 - 2024-01-09 Inactive
3772-1525-63 2023-10-12 - 2023-11-14 Inactive
3772-1525-62 2023-09-11 - 2023-10-11 Inactive
3772-1525-61 2023-08-09 - 2023-09-10 Inactive
3772-1525-60 2023-07-12 - 2023-08-08 Inactive
3772-1525-59 2023-06-14 - 2023-07-11 Inactive
3772-1525-58 2023-05-10 - 2023-06-13 Inactive
3772-1525-57 2023-04-28 - 2023-05-09 Inactive
1919-1525-56 2023-04-12 - 2023-04-27 Inactive
1919-1525-55 2023-02-07 - 2023-04-11 Inactive
1919-1525-54 2023-01-11 - 2023-02-06 Inactive
1919-1525-53 2022-12-14 - 2023-01-10 Inactive
1919-1525-52 2022-10-07 - 2022-12-13 Inactive
1919-1525-51 2022-08-16 - 2022-10-06 Inactive
1919-1525-50 2022-07-13 - 2022-08-15 Inactive
1919-1525-49 2022-06-13 - 2022-07-12 Inactive
1919-1525-48 2022-05-12 - 2022-06-12 Inactive
1919-1525-47 2022-03-16 - 2022-05-11 Inactive
1919-1525-46 2022-02-11 - 2022-03-15 Inactive
1919-1525-45 2022-01-12 - 2022-02-10 Inactive
1919-1525-44 2021-12-15 - 2022-01-11 Inactive
1919-1525-43 2021-11-10 - 2021-12-14 Inactive
1919-1525-42 2021-09-13 - 2021-11-09 Inactive
1919-1525-41 2021-08-12 - 2021-09-12 Inactive
1919-1525-40 2021-07-15 - 2021-08-11 Inactive
1919-1525-39 2021-06-15 - 2021-07-14 Inactive
1919-1525-38 2021-05-11 - 2021-06-14 Inactive
1919-1525-37 2021-04-15 - 2021-05-10 Inactive
1919-1525-36 2021-03-23 - 2021-04-14 Inactive
2902-1525-35 2021-03-16 - 2021-03-22 Inactive
2902-1525-34 2021-01-01 - 2021-03-15 Inactive
1725-1525-33 2020-10-08 - 2020-12-31 Inactive
1725-1525-32 2020-08-15 - 2020-10-07 Inactive
1725-1525-31 2020-06-04 - 2020-08-14 Inactive
1725-1525-30 2020-05-15 - 2020-06-03 Inactive
1725-1525-29 2020-04-15 - 2020-05-14 Inactive
1725-1525-28 2020-04-01 - 2020-04-14 Inactive
1725-1525-27 2020-03-16 - 2020-03-31 Inactive
1725-1525-26 2020-03-01 - 2020-03-15 Inactive
1725-1525-25 2020-02-16 - 2020-02-29 Inactive
1725-1525-24 2020-02-01 - 2020-02-15 Inactive
1725-1525-23 2020-01-31 - 2020-01-31 Inactive
1725-1525-22 2020-01-01 - 2020-01-30 Inactive
1725-1525-21 2019-11-15 - 2019-12-31 Inactive
1725-1525-20 2019-10-01 - 2019-11-14 Inactive
1725-1525-19 2019-09-26 - 2019-09-30 Inactive
1725-1525-18 2019-08-28 - 2019-09-25 Inactive
1725-1525-17 2019-08-15 - 2019-08-27 Inactive
1725-1525-16 2019-07-15 - 2019-08-14 Inactive
1725-1525-15 2019-06-29 - 2019-07-14 Inactive
1725-1525-14 2019-05-31 - 2019-06-28 Inactive
1725-1525-13 2019-05-14 - 2019-05-30 Inactive
1725-1525-12 2019-04-30 - 2019-05-13 Inactive
1725-1525-11 2019-02-15 - 2019-04-29 Inactive
1725-1525-10 2019-01-25 - 2019-02-14 Inactive
1725-1525-9 2018-11-15 - 2019-01-24 Inactive
1725-1525-8 2018-08-15 - 2018-11-14 Inactive
1725-1525-7 2018-07-13 - 2018-08-14 Inactive
1725-1525-6 2018-04-16 - 2018-07-12 Inactive
1725-1525-5 2018-03-15 - 2018-04-15 Inactive
1725-1525-4 2017-12-31 - 2018-03-14 Inactive
1725-1525-3 2017-11-02 - 2017-12-30 Inactive
1725-1525-2 2017-06-15 - 2017-11-01 Inactive
1725-1525-1 2017-04-11 - 2017-06-14 Inactive
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