Highlights of the Act

This Act does not apply with respect to a submission made in any manner … … to a member of the Legislative Assembly by a constituent of the member, unless the submission concerns the introduction, passage or amendment in the Legislative Assembly of a private Bill for the special benefit of that constituent.

Every constituent has a right and should be able to speak directly to their MLA about topics of interest. This section recognizes that right and specifically exempts constituents who speak with their MLA from having to register that communication as a lobbying activity, unless the topic of communication is for a special benefit of that constituent.

Bill 195 An Act to Amend The Lobbyists Act received Royal Assent on July 3, 2020 and will be enacted September 14, 2020. It includes the following changes:

  • Reduces the number of hours from 100 to 30 as the threshold upon which an “in-house” lobbyist is required to register and report their activities
  • Requires charitable non-profit organizations with 5 or more employees to register upon meeting the 30 hour threshold
  • Prohibits lobbyists from providing gifts to public office holders except as a matter of protocol or social obligation.